Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Say Hello To...

baby strawberries

Strawberries - we got a little overexcited and bought 6 plants so I am expecting a glut to make jam and tarts!

Baby Gooseberries

Gooseberries - the green jewels of my garden. this is very exciting as it's something the previous owner left behind for us. It survived the harsh winter and suddenly bloomed. Never had them before so I am crazily singing to them everyday to grow faster so i can chomp on them. Yes I sing when I water the plants!

baby raspberries

Raspberries - Another lucky inheritance that survives the mad winter! We didn't know what this was and were yo-yo-ing between raspberries or blueberries? Saw the same plant at Laura's allotment and the mystery is solved - raspberry plant it is! Hallelujah!!! Imagine picking it fresh and popping straight into my mouth - come on Summer!!!!


Rhubarbs - our favourite, nothing like a rhubard tart to polish off sunday's lunch. Check out the size of the leaves. These aren't as big as the ones I saw at my friend Laura's allotment - so big you can use it as an umbrella in the rain! Supposedly you shouldn't harvest on the first year so the roots grow strong like popeye and you get a better yield next year. So far, we have been good and left them alone hence the few yellowing stalks. Very tempting but we are presevering with our patiences

Veggies introduction next....expect it to be a much much longer post!

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